Mar 9, 2017
In this edition of the BevNET Podcast, we’re joined by prominent food and beverage attorney Nick Giannuzzi. The founder and managing partner of the The Giannuzzi Group, he has for over a decade provided legal representation to hundreds of small to mid-sized CPG companies and been involved in the biggest M&A deals in the space, including the sale of vitaminwater to The Coca-Cola Co., Krave Jerky to The Hershey Co. and KeVita to PepsiCo. Our conversation with Giannuzzi includes his take on how has the landscape for M&A in food and beverage has evolved in recent years, how he advises clients on being disciplined in their growth strategies and how entrepreneurs best align themselves with investors that share similar values and goals. Giannuzzi also discussed the current climate for investment (entrepreneurs would be wise to conduct a heat check, he noted) and competition for clients within the legal community. Also included in this podcast: a check-in with Honest Tea co-founder Seth Goldman on the brand recent revamp of its Honest Sport line and talking points on the Bai and KeVita deals, and a quick chat with Josh Wand, the founder of food and beverage staffing and recruiting agency Force Brands.